Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sowing Shrubs of Beauty

--by patjos, posted May 20, 2022

As I'm on Easter break here, I managed to get out and finish off filling the gaps in the hedge row along my morning walk with 11 more Hawthorns. In the afternoon I made a good start on the Dryside road which runs through to Kinross by planting a couple of baby Yews, two small Beech which will hopefully become hedges rather than full grown trees and 14 young Hawthorns.

These are much more noticeable than the elder and willow cuttings which I'm hoping will take root, so might see some noticeable growth on these this year.

I will take a look at my wild Rose cuttings and see how they are faring later this evening.

Sunflower seeds now sown in pots for planting later round the village Peace Pole to honour the people of Ukraine.

May Peace Prevail on Earth.
485 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: What beautiful kindness you fill your days with. Thank you.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you for all the creativity you sow for mother earth.
pluto178 wrote: Yew and hawthorn excellent choices. X
Balou wrote: Beautifying your area! So inspiring, thanks, Patjos!
mindyjourney wrote: Was wondering about the Peace Pole :)
DANCE wrote: Thank you for all these things you do
janfour wrote: beautiful
dotmatrix wrote: Beautiful. ♥.
Rajni wrote: May all the planting grow with your love and care and may peace in Ukraine blossom too. You are doing a wonderful job.

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