Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Uplifted by the Toothbuckle Team

--by Helenconnell2, posted May 23, 2022
I have talked before about the lovely ladies who run Toothbuckle. The weekend after I was diagnosed with cancer, I sent them some pictures. Last Saturday, I received a reply. One of them had lost their father shortly before Easter and so they apologised for not replying sooner.

They are always so kind and Ali who wrote the letter this time, empathised with me and then added if there was any way they could help to let them know. I was overwhelmed by their kindness. This afternoon I replied and told them how uplifted I was by their email.

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Readers Comments

dotmatrix wrote: Holding you in love and light. ∞ So grateful for all the goodness in your life. Well deserved. ♥.
lilacgrace wrote: Anything I can do to help at any time, please reach out. 🙏
cheeka wrote: Wish you speedy recovery, Helen!
mindyjourney wrote: Grateful you have found a supportive community, dear Helen. And please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us with ways we can help.
Mish wrote: Sound# like a wonderful supportive group, Helen. Bless all of you 🙏
Rajni wrote: May almighty help you get clear of cancer. Get well soon. Stay positive, always and you feel much better.
Annc wrote: So glad you have the support of these kind people. Sending prayers and hugs.
SissyLee wrote: I am thinking of you and glad you found this supportive group. Much love to you.

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