Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Origami Peace Doves

--by Helenconnell2, posted Jun 12, 2022
As I got my appointment date yesterday, we went to Open House. We've not been a few weeks so Richard was going to make the donation for food and drink because the card reader wasn't working last time we were there. He went to post something first and when I got in the building - Lorna was coming out the office and after she finished talking to the lady - I went into the office. She and Lauren both put their masks on which was so thoughtful. I told them about my appointment yesterday.

Before I left i gave Lorna some of the origami doves Mindy sent me. I knew she would like one herself so I said if you run out let me know and I'll bring some more.
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Readers Comments

Balou wrote: A nice connection after appointment!
pluto178 wrote: Very thoughtful re masks always take care we want no slip ups now………x
mindyjourney wrote: Grateful for their thoughtfulness and for your sharing of Doves. 🕊 Bless you, Helen.
ado wrote: Thank you for giving Mindy's doves. Very kind of you and of Richard for donating the food and drink.
Mish wrote: Bless you & Richard, Helen 🙏
Rajni wrote: Mindy's doves are very useful to get connected to people. You made good use of it. Thanks.
dotmatrix wrote: Blessings and hugs dear Helen. ♥.

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