Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Do It Double! 💕

--by mindyjourney, posted Jun 21, 2022
Filled not one, but two bags as our donation for today’s food drive, sponsored by the NALC (National Association of Letter Carriers). It’s back after a two year CoVid absence. Grateful to be a part of this worthwhile event that helps stock local food pantries!

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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Sister Mindy, Your kindness drive picked up the right drive sponsored by NALC. You did a very good job.
Mish wrote: Well done, twinner 👏🏻
ado wrote: This is wonderful. Thank you for volunteering your time for a great cause. I hope to be going to back to volunteering at the food bank after the COVID hiatus.
gardengal10 wrote: Good woman! I have one bag on my front porch. Such a worthy cause. Our church food pantry has always been a recipient. As the donations stay in the community, I feel the need to help all the local pantries by contributing.
unknown wrote: One of the best gifts we can give is to offer food to others. Thank you for doing this dear 💗
fairykats wrote: I also participated, and had a large bag with handles to make it a bit easier for the postal carrier. I had gotten a little carried away lol
Balou wrote: A wonderful way to support food pantrys! Thanks for donating!
pluto178 wrote: Food donations are so sad because they should not be needed on the other hand how much sadder would it be not to……its vital work and well done for doing your bit x
brindlegirl wrote: Thank you. Thank you,. Thank you. I absolutely love these fill a bag initiatives!
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for reaching out to the community, as always dear Mindy.

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