Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sprinkles Everywhere

--by cheeka, posted Jun 28, 2022
My nephew's daughter turned one yesterday. My wife who is a Robinhood Army ( volunteer, helped distribute cup cakes along with a few other volunteers to about 80 less fortunate kids with the message "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere".

The cakes were made by Praneet, a young boy who has now become one of top 50 bakers in India. Today we are happy to sprinkle kindness to a few kids and make them smile.

May 28th happens to be World Hunger Day.

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: This is so very, very LOVEly, cheeka💕💕💕💕💕
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you for sharing the cup cakes with the children and your story with us.
dotmatrix wrote: Thank you for sharing this story, and the cupcakes. ♥.
Rajni wrote: You are playing your role well in this universal drama. The director wisely selected world hunger day. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.
janfour wrote: yum! great way to spread joy
brindlegirl wrote: Bless him. And bless you for sharing this with all of us.
DANCE wrote: wonderful, how lovely
cyctw wrote: a beautiful act of service<3. and i was reading about the robin hood army<3. i wish something like this in the u.s. existed.
lt33 wrote: Oh I bet it was a gift to you as well watching all those young faces light up when they get their treat 😁💓
petroskryf wrote: Sweet kindness to kids in a time we need it so much. Thank you!

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