Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I am Only an Instrument

--by Rajni, posted Jul 24, 2022
Being Kind Spring’s Community Member Of The Week ❤️

Maherunnisabahen and her husband Sharifbhai at AMWA blessed me with a shawl in recognition of the kind acts I do. It is the first time I have received one. After seeing tremendous work done by Maherunnisaben and her team, my mind was occupied by AMWA to do some more kind acts to be worthy of getting a shawl. I thank Maherunnisabahen for the inspiration.

The inspiration, and being Kind Spring’s Community Member Of The Week, put me on my toes that kept me busy during the whole week!

June 12:

Gave donations to needy people.
Bought groceries for needy lady.
Gave T-shirts to needy kids. The joy on their faces made my day.
Made quote cards appropriate for Shakti Mela - helping entrepreneur women and their crafts..
Paid for a school uniform for one needy girl. They were very appreciative.
Sent Shakti Mela info on some of my contacts.

June 13
Visited doctor’s office to show my blood reports. Gave quote cards and book on positivity. Cracked a joke. Gave many more quote cards.
Gave money to one lady to continue fruit selling business.
Gave donations to needy people. Their smiles are deposited in my heart.

June 14

Visited Shakti Mela. Shakti means strength and Mela means Fair. The fair was organized by state to help women sell their products, like clothing, cosmetics, purses, jewelry, food items, etc.

Gave more than 150 quote cards, birthday cards, bookmarks and Mindy’s peace dove quote cards.

Talked to a boy and his mother about positive thinking and told story and gave booklet on positive thinking. Little later I repeated the same with one girl and her mother. Received smiles and thanks.

Complimented some about their nice products and received many smiles in return.

Bought a purse and gift envelopes to encourage their products. I will gift them to Utthan.

June 15

Gave some T-shirts and shorts to needy kids. Little donation to needy lady.

June 16

Loaned more money to a lady for more fruit business. Gave study books and note books to two students.

Gave thank you card to employee of the bank for solving my year old problem of not being able to make online transections.

June 17

I pray everyday for the happiness of all the beings. Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanthu, which means “Let all the worlds be happy,” and thereby all the beings in all the worlds.

Gave slippers, shorts, slippers and groceries to some needy people. Also gave cookies and milk to needy children.

Thanked bank employee for giving me good information about cash deposits in dollars. I also complimented about her appearance and jewelry.

Let customer behind me go first.

Removed some recyclables from the road and put them in recycle bins.

June 18

Went for shopping errands. Gave some quote cards, bookmarks, birthday quote cards, Mindy’s peace dove with quote cards.

Gave tip to rikshaw driver.

Praised friendly shopkeeper who sold me nice blender and grinder.
Inquired to dry fruit shopkeeper about his business. It is 80 years old. His great-grandfather started it. Took his name to make personalized bookmarks.

KS friend and my family gave me some money. They also did not let me pay for my purchases. I donated that money. A 
shopper gave me discount, that money I donated too.

I am thankful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for blessing me with many opportunities, helping and guiding me to materialize them. I am not the real doer but He is. I am just an instrument in His hand. I do kind acts very often but I do not post them all. I believe in give andforget, receive and remember, that’s what the Indian scriptures say.

I am thankful to KS friend who help me put this in perspective
557 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: You are truly an honorable man of kindness. 🙏
pluto178 wrote: You are quite frankly amazing…………every moment of every day must be spent in kindness…….well done you are a teacher indeed x
drjoybug wrote: I have seen you and your kindness in action. You are truly a blessing to all you come upon. I am honored to called you my friend.
cheeka wrote: You are the torch bearer of kindness with such a beautiful heart. You just inspire me every day. You are absolutely worthy of the shawl honor and much more.
kmbhai wrote: That's great. You won our heart..
Balou wrote: Your kindness is overflowing! Thank you for your wonderful kindness all around!
dotmatrix wrote: You are a beacon of love and light in the world.
unknown wrote: That's a whole lot of good karma accrued for yourself ... Happy for you.
butterkind wrote: This is amazing! You are so inspiring to us and everyone you meet with your kind words of positive attitude and appreciation snd generous help to needy people. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
lt33 wrote: Such amazing kindness you showed to many what is the name of the positive book you gave ? I might be able to find it in my library thanks 🤗

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