Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: You are DOING it! Well done, my friend 🕊 💕
Mish wrote: Awesome comeback for you, Joy. Bravo! 👏🏻
DANCE wrote: Thank you for doing this!
ado wrote: Thank you for giving out the cards and doves.
Drewtopian_1 wrote: I have a grateful heart. I even told a woman at Thrive Upstate that I'd like to learn more about my community. That would make my heart even more grateful since I can't even go outside without help.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Well done - I'm glad you are feeling better
pluto178 wrote: Who knew we could ever appreciate being able to do our housework lol…..well done your on the way x
Balou wrote: Wonderful, Joy!
cheeka wrote: Well done!
fairykats wrote: I'm happy for you!