Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Hand Up

--by Rajni, posted Sep 18, 2022
A Hand Up

Yesterday, August 14, I visited new friend's apartment. We went there together by bus. I paid for their bus fare too. I talked to the bus conductor about positive thinking, told him story and my experiences about it. I also gave him booklet on positive thinking and some quote cards to share with others. I cracked some jokes. I gave quote cards to bus passengers also.

I gave homemade sesame sweets to my new friend.

We had a nice talk using pencil and paper as I am not able to listen clearly. I assured him to help buy his apartment according to my resource.

His son and daughter have to walk almost one hour to go to school. They badly need bicycles. I will find way to help them.

I gave Utthan laptop to friend's son to use with permission from Utthan. I also gave some groceries to them.

Two months ago, my new friend's family used to live on footpath. I was fortunate to help them to resume their business of selling banana. I will encourage him to add new items.

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for giving me opportunities to serve and helping and guiding me to make them happen.

I am also grateful to KS friend who helped me to put this in perspective and image too.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you so much, dear Rajnibhai, for encouraging family and helping in so many ways! Your โ€œhand upโ€ will have numerous ripples ๐Ÿ˜Š
Mish wrote: You are a force for good in many ways. Bless.๐Ÿ™
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you for supporting people to help themselves!
gardengal10 wrote: You do your utmost to help others see their potential
petroskryf wrote: You are a real inspiration!
cheeka wrote: Rajni ji, You are constantly innovating with new and many ways of serving the community. You are never short of ideas to help others and implementing them immediately. Amazing.
pluto178 wrote: We may all need support from time to time a crutch to get us through but the sooner we can get rid of the crutch and get back on or own feet the better. X
dotmatrix wrote: Rajni, thank you for your daily kindness to so many people. โ™ฅ.
DANCE wrote: Thank you for doing so much for people there

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