Stories of Kindness from Around the World

For The Footpath Children ...

--by Rajni, posted Oct 17, 2022
For The Footpath Children ❤️

Kindness with Divine sister's Birthday celebration in mind.

Recently bought school supplies, such as uniforms and slippers and gave them to the children, most of whom live on the footpath.

I thought most of the students were done needing school supplies, but fortunately I was blessed with new contacts. So, I shopped for more items as shown in the image.

Replaced short zippers with long ones for girl's uniforms. Sewed belts and repaired some. Sorted according to student's name for easier giving.

I began giving supplies to celebrate my divine sister's birthday on September 15th, along with cookie packets, quote cards, birthday quote cards, bookmarks, and mindyjourney’s Dove message - with quotes and dove attached. The celebration will continue for a few more days, since some students were not available.

Grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for blessing me with more opportunities, resources, helping and guiding me.

Also in appreciation to a KS friend who helped me put this in perspective and creating collage as well.
540 Reads

Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Thank you for reaching out to so many 🙏
Andicas wrote: A wonderful service. Thank you Rajni.
cheeka wrote: What a fantastic way of celebrating Divine sister's Birthday celebration!
pluto178 wrote: Lol I wonder who that could be lol……….you are kindness itself x
Mish wrote: Such beautiful Service 🙏
DotMatrix wrote: This is so awesome, Rajni!! Wow! ♥.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for giving the footpath children and their families a hand up with your loving service, dear brother Rajni 💕.
DANCE wrote: Thank you for being always so kind and generous dear friend
gardengal10 wrote: So many fortunate ones blessed by your giving.

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