Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by drjoybug, posted Oct 28, 2022
I belong to a service organization and the state meeting was today. Many opportunities for kind acts:

Proposed a way to help get new members,Gave out bookmarks
Paid money to the foundation that helps cover costs of the board to travel to other state conferences
Paid for membership for a college student to become a member.
Chatted with many friends I hadn't seen in 2 or more years.
Gave and received well wishes
Thanked 2 people for the handcrafted cards they sent me every week during my stay in the nursing home

I am blessed

388 Reads

Readers Comments

fairykats wrote: Thank you for your attention and service!
pluto178 wrote: Such fun to belong to a group of like minded people. X
Mish wrote: So glad you are now able to get out there, Joy! Well done ❤️
janfour wrote: what a lot of kindness!
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you so much for all the sharing you've done!
dotmatrix wrote: {{{Joy}}} high five! ♥.
singhharry1996 wrote: Awww, thank you!!!!!! <3
Kmbhai wrote: Wonderful.. your are very generous..
Andicas wrote: What a lot of sharing!
cheeka wrote: you are amazing!

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