Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Agree, my friend. Why give our focus to the “news” when kindness is soo much more uplifting and beautiful? Thank you for sharing with us.
drjoybug wrote: I agree with Mindy.
Mish wrote: Exactly….we share our kindness posts here to inspire others ❤️
pluto178 wrote: You make a good point I don’t do it but thats the British for you…. But reading others good deeds is uplifting so carry on and let me enjoy them too x
Andicas wrote: I had a similar mental wrangle. I find reading other's posts inspiring and uplifting, and a counter to the other terrible things I read online. On that basis, posting about them is a kindness in itself. Please continue!
Rajni wrote: Your selfless service is greatly appreciated.
petroskryf wrote: We certainly need more kindness stories every day.
Dennis826 wrote: Great post and i totally agree. It could inspire others to perform more acts of kindness, and it could even give you more ideas for performing acts of kindness.