Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Quote Cards Plus InspirationsI ...

--by Rajni, posted Jan 17, 2023

I always try to help others in my capacity. More than that, I always try my best to inspire others to do kind acts for strangers or family and friends.

Giving away inspiring quote cards has been my top priority. I give some more to someone telling them to share with others. so they at least share them with others as an act of kindness. I try to give with the feeling that, God in me is giving to God residing in recipients.

Yesterday, I visited SEWA - Self Employed Women's Association. Met one kind lady who listened to my story. I gave probably 50 quote cards, told how it can help change people's lives by Fatemah's story. I am grateful to her that she accepted them. She liked them too.

The purpose of my visit was to find help for needy people I serve. Giving groceries, clothes and other things is not enough.

I wish, they get job and make money or do their own little business of selling fruits and vegetables or other items. I got the contact number and will ask my friend's wife and others to visit at their earliest.

The image shows just a few samples of the quote cards given away.
296 Reads

Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: I am sure they appreciated all you do x
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your continued kindness to those in need, both in physical and spiritual needs 🙏
Mish wrote: Thank you for spreading kindness in oh so many ways ❤️

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