Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Blessed To Receive

--by heartofflesh, posted Jan 23, 2023
Recently a good friend of mine, who is doing Ministry for Jesus Christ asked for my pant and shirt sizes. I gave it slightly puzzled. A week go I received a parcel of a readymade full pant and shirt of high quality.

I always found it easier to give than receive. When you receive with gratitude the giver is blessed. We should learn to give s well as receive. The source is the same.

Thank you for everything in life.
217 Reads

Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: When you receive with gratitude the giver is blessed too… win a great phrase I shall remember x
Mish wrote: It is a kind act to receive…you make the giver happy 🥰. Enjoy your lovely gift 🎁
mindyjourney wrote: So true…receiving/giving - it is the same :))
Rajni wrote: Receiving is giving an opportunity to serve to the giver.

Gratitude is a must for whatever is received. You received the gift in the right way. Thanks.

The whole world runs on giving and receiving. If we do not receive, we are breaking the chain that was to continue. It also shows our ego too.

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