Stories of Kindness from Around the World

New Year New Contacts ...

--by Rajni, posted Feb 1, 2023
New Year New Contacts For Kindness

On a beautiful New Year’s day, I went out to give some school stuff to needy kids that I bought a few days ago.

2022 was the best year of my life so far as kindness is concerned. I am not alone doing kindness, some friends sister Mindy and relatives have supported my good cause. I am grateful to all of them.

After I gave, backpack, textbooks, note book, compass, pencil, jackets, T-shirts to needy kids and slippers and chappals to needy ladies, one old lady approached me with a note that she is widowed and doesn’t have anyone to take care of her. This was a new contact. We went to supermarket. I gave her some groceries and milk to needy kids. On the way, I found second new contact. I gave her slippers. I had some extra chappals and slippers that I bough to give needy people a few days ago.

Outside the supermarket, another lady came in with her new born baby and asked for clothes for her baby. Another new contact. I had them at home. One girl accompanied me to get it. I happily gave baby clothes to her for another new contact.

I am grateful to sri Sathya Sai Baba for giving me opportunities to serve. and guiding and helping me to materialize them.

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Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: I KNEW I liked January for a reason x
Mish wrote: May 2023 be even greater for you, dear Rajni ❤️
unknown wrote: You are amazing!
mindyjourney wrote: My dear brother Rajni, thank you for always being a help to those in need 💕.
kmbhai wrote: You are rocking. Thanks.
gardengal10 wrote: So many kindnesses! Bless you.
cabbage wrote: Great start to the new year!! Wonderful kindness angel....bless you!
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for starting the year with your inspirational kindness.
cheeka wrote: No words are enough. Thanks for your inspiration and all the kindness you do!
dotmatrix wrote: Wonderful. ♥.

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