Stories of Kindness from Around the World

❤️ Valentines With Extra Love ❤️

--by mindyjourney, posted Mar 8, 2023

Been helping daughter-in-law create Valentines for Cards for Hospitalized Kids. We’ve both made cards for them in the past, but she has outdone herself with personally making over 250 works of heart this year!

While watching TV in the evening, she'd pull out her supplies and over a few weeks, and with a steady focus of LOVE, has created a boxful of beautiful compassion ready to mail to children in hospitals.

That's a lot of KINDNESS in action!  😊 

​*Please click link for more info about this caring organization:

188 Reads

Readers Comments

sissylee wrote: What sweet cards!
DANCE wrote: Wow, bless
gardengal10 wrote: So pretty!
Mish wrote: You both hold a whole lotta love in your hearts. This is wonderful ❤️❤️
Helenconnell2 wrote: Wow! That's a big box of kindness ❤️❤️
Rajni wrote: Kindness will multiply manifold.
petroskryf wrote: A lovely tribute to your daughter-in-law.
unknown wrote: Fantastic 🙂
kmbhai wrote: That’s a great 👍 thanks..
Christine88 wrote: THAT IS SO WONDERFUL!!!!!! This makes me so happy.

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