Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Coffee, Tea, And A Generous Tip

--by DrJoe, posted Mar 8, 2023
Got coffees and a tea for my coworkers today. I didn't have any smaller bills to leave as a tip for the baristas, so I left a larger bill. My coworkers and baristas in the coffee shop all work hard and they are all very much appreciated. :)
132 Reads

Readers Comments

Tulup wrote: Creative roak!
unknown wrote: Well done. Such a lovely idea. 😊
Mish wrote: Kindness never goes unnoticed or unappreciated ❤️ Bless.
Helenconnell2 wrote: What a lovely thing to do!
unknown wrote: Wonderful 🙂
ado wrote: Thank you for your kindness and spirit of giving.
pluto178 wrote: Lovely x
scully wrote: Nice and kind of you
Rajni wrote: We all know that, nobody got poorer by giving. Giving is a boomerang. Consequences of karma never fails. Universe rewards in future. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Your ability to take quick decision in kindness is a very good virtue you possess. Thanks for sharing inspiring post.
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for your generosity.

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