Stories of Kindness from Around the World

🐇 The Hare & The Tortoise Both Win! 🐢

--by mindyjourney, posted Mar 16, 2023

The weather for the outdoor ARK tour (Amos Rehabilitation Keep) had turned cold, windy and drizzly.

“I have a sweater on under my hoodie. Would you like to borrow the hoodie?” I asked a woman who was shivering, as I unzipped it and offered my Peace Garden hoodie to her.

She agreed, only after I assured her that I would be fine.

A film crew making a documentary about the ARK shadowed the tour. Our guides, Lucky and her husband Dan, were knowledgeable about the rescued raptors, various birds and turtles.

Impressed with their enthusiastic volunteerism, I anonymously gave the front desk a gift for them - a coloring suncatcher of a turtle that I had fashioned with positive sayings.

Back in South Dakota, over 1300 miles northwest and about a month ago, I had created the suncatcher with faith that the right opportunity would present itself to give.

Acting quickly on that nudge to offer my hoodie and preparing a creative thank-you ahead of time, both won kindness opportunities that day!

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: You’d give the shirt off your back , I am sure 🙏. Love that suncatcher & am sure they did too! Full of kind ❤️
DrJoe wrote: Incredible :)
unknown wrote: Nice 🙂
gardengal10 wrote: You are awesome!
pluto178 wrote: Giving the shirt off your back certainly sounds like you lol x
lt33 wrote: Such a kind gesture to help that lady stop shivering offering her your sweatshirt you were actually wearing + that turtle sun catcher went into the right hands as they have a love for turtles 😍
petroskryf wrote: Kind and creative, thank you
Rajni wrote: Sister Mindy, your compassionate heart did the right thing to give hoodie to a woman who was shivering. After all, kindness warms our heart so it can sustain cold, windy and drizzly weather. Your quick kindness is greatly appreciated. May others get inspired to follow suit.
DANCE wrote: Perfect kindness

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