Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Precious Time

--by DANCE, posted Mar 27, 2023
My niece has left after 2 months of a beautiful and sometimes challenging stay with us in UK. She's a teenager, so you can imagine.... A very good heart and very smart but still lots to learn.

I'd like to believe I was kind to her, I looked after her, 'spoiled' her as much as I could but also tried to teach her to be and do good. I've also learned a lot from her, not only patience!

I'm so lucky to be able to create these memories with her so that she can cherish them as she grows up.We had lots of fun taking pictures. Below, by a beautiful lake in Italy, freezing day but glorious.

I gave her a parting gift to open on the plane: a beautiful journal in her favourite colour, pink, which says JUST BE KIND in the cover (forgot to take a picture). I wrote a long and loving letter for her to reflect on...She sent me a lovely thank you message 20 hours later when she arrived home after her flight.

Now ready to use more of that energy to continue to be kind to others...
Always happy to read your beautiful and inspiring stories, thank you all for being here
454 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: What a meaningful time spent together for both of you & great photo too!
unknown wrote: Very nice!
pluto178 wrote: Sounds like a lot of fun x
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for being a such a kind mentor to niece! Oh, I know it can be a challenge, but grateful for your BE KIND fostering connection 😊.
Rajni wrote: Having your good time with your niece is like a cake and the memories you collected were icing on the cake. You get A+ on this post. Our hearts DANCE with joy.
butterkind wrote: Very good way to model kindness ☺️
scully wrote: Great gift Dance, and what a precious time to spend together

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