Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by kmbhai, posted Mar 27, 2023
A good suggestion can change someone’s life..

In the morning, a young boy came to me seeking help in career. He was very confused. He passed board exams in 2018 and couldn't complete graduation due to his father's illness.

Now he wants to complete his education, but doesn't know which one would be good for him. so he wanted guidance from me.

I suggested he should opt a technical course or skill based course, so he can earn something for his livelihood. I also promised him for any help related to his career. He agreed and looked satisfied with my suggestions.

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Readers Comments

thehuman wrote: ❤️ be the beacon
Toolman wrote: Agree with dance and drjoybug! I can see the kindness ripples.
DANCE wrote: Your kind heart will guide him
Mish wrote: Your kindness has so powerfully impacted the lives of those who come to you. Bless, kmbhai 🙏
pluto178 wrote: Thats a great help to him I am sure x
sissylee wrote: It helps to talk to someone older and to get insights.
unknown wrote: Super 👍
Rajni wrote: Your guidance will put the boy on a right path. Thinking positively about his goal will give him success.
drjoybug wrote: Wonderful mentoring
mindyjourney wrote: You guide with knowledge and compassion, my friend. Thank you!

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