Stories of Kindness from Around the World

😊 Random Acts Of Origami 🐕

--by mindyjourney, posted Mar 29, 2023

We have been grand-puppy sitting for the last few days and we are so enjoying the pats, walks, playing and snuggling!

Poppy lightens all of our lives with her exuberance, wonder and sweet innocence.

Learned how to fold origami dogs to give to the pet food store that Poppy frequents. Gave them Peace Doves last time and they really appreciated them.

Also designed and printed Random Acts of Origami cards, with a just-for-origami-kindness email address where interested folks can contact me for more information.

Grateful for the many opportunities that kindness encourages us to learn and to do ❤️.

270 Reads

Readers Comments

Tulips wrote: Oh, please say there is more footage of the patience of sweet poppy dog on camera. Hope so!
sissylee wrote: What a gorgeous little dog!
pluto178 wrote: I feel a new addition to the family coming on lol x
unknown wrote: Wonderful 🙂
Mish wrote: You fill your life with such creative kindness …full of wonderful ❤️
unknown wrote: Such a beautiful act of kindness and such a sweet dog. 💗
gardengal10 wrote: Lovely!!!
scully wrote: Wow your creativity continues to inspire, thanks Mindy!
kmbhai wrote: Superb. Have a great trip..

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