Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Every day is Kindness Day

--by Rajni, posted Apr 1, 2023
If it is Sunday, It is Kindness Day

More or less, all days are kindness days.

People go to temples or churches or other holy places on Sundays. I visit living temples where God is residing in human beings. We all know that selfless service to humanity is service to God. Service to needy people without getting/expecting anything in return. Anything doesn’t mean money only; it includes name and fame as well. 

I visit an organic farmer’s market on sundays at Gujarat Vidhyapith and I always try to go at different times, so I meet different people and give them Mindy's Peace dove quote cards, other quote cards and talk to them about the importance of positive thinking in our lives.

On Sunday February 26th, I stayed a little longer at the Farmer’s market.

I gave quote cards to many shoppers and customers on that day. I talked to one shopper about intense positive thinking last Sunday and also gave a booklet on positive thinking. They read the book and told me that they liked it. I also told them about the story of Fatemah. I gave quote cards on marriage and inspired them to live by quotes in it.  I bought some incense packs to help grow their business.

I talked to another shopper about the importance of positive thinking and about my experiences with it, so he could be inspired. I also told him the Fatemah story, and a story about a Chinese lady where doctors tried intensely for six months with different medicines and acupuncture and other remedies to bring her son out of coma. Thanks to the lady's unwavering hope, positive thinking, faith in God, and motherly love,  her son came out of the coma after 189 days. 

I gave cookie packets to needy people as well.

I am grateful to my KS friends who helped me put this post in perspective and create beautiful imagery as well.

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for giving me opportunities to serve and showing me how to make them happen.

Gujarat Vidyapith was founded by Mahatma Gandhi on 18th October, 1920. It is funded by the U. G. C. (University Grants Commission) for higher education programs. Top right Image shows entrance at Gujarat Vidhyapith. Other photos were from internet.

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Readers Comments

tulio wrote: Og, yhe best kind of raok!
GUS wrote: That's some messed up shxt
mindyjourney wrote: So true and well said, your first paragraph ⛪️. Thank you, dear brother Rajni.
unknown wrote: Thank You!
pluto178 wrote: 🌹
DANCE wrote: Such an inspiration, every day seems to be kindness day with you :-)

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