Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Little Creatures

--by Helenconnell2, posted Apr 16, 2023
I finished making the little creatures to gift to the group I have been attending. The other day, we were at the Methodist Church
and when I showed the knitted figures I made one of the leaders asked if I sold them.

I asked why and he said his wife collects bees and she would love the little bee. I said I would make one when I finished the current round of making and he could make a donation to the church

.I have made seven different figures and as I need five, I've wrapped the bee up for Edwin and will give it to him next week.This is the chicks in a nest.
287 Reads

Readers Comments

DawnLyn wrote: Such talent. Cute creation.
unknown wrote: You are nifty with your needles, Helen! Beautiful and generous acts of kindness. All of your little creations are little masterpieces. πŸ‘πŸ’—
ado wrote: Beautiful creations. What a great thing you did to ask him to pay it forward to the church. Thank you.
Mish wrote: I love your little chicks in a nest…as will everyone who receives any one of your creates, Helen. So well done πŸ‘
gardengal10 wrote: Each one is more than charming.
unknown wrote: Wow πŸ™‚ Very Nice πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
mindyjourney wrote: So adorable! i think you have found a creative give for you to share - like I do doves, Mish does hugs, ladybird - clovers, Rajni - quote cards, etc… :)))))
DANCE wrote: sooooo cute, thank you for doing it
kmbhai wrote: So great ...
pluto178 wrote: If they have church sales in the summer you could produce many of your little creatures they will go down a storm x

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