Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Easy To Pay Forward

--by Helenconnell2, posted Apr 27, 2023
Late last year I discovered a UK company who were selling toilet rolls, kitchen rolls and laundry sheets. I ordered toilet rolls to begin with and then ordered kitchen rolls and laundry sheets.

The box with toilet rolls had 36 and we are still using them because they are good quality. The paper products are made from recycled paper and they plant one tree for each toilet roll or kitchen roll sold and for the laundry sheets they arrange to remove plastic from the ocean.

Although the kitchen rolls are extremely economical we put them on subscription every 8 weeks. We were due to receive another box of them yesterday but when the order arrived - there was a box of toilet rolls. I contacted the company who were very apologetic and told me I could keep them and they would send me the kitchen rolls.

While shopping this morning, I bought six paper carrier bags and split the toilet rolls into bags - six to a bag. We're going to take three this afternoon to the Foodbank and the other three will go tomorrow to warm spaces.
404 Reads

Readers Comments

DANCE wrote: Thank you for sharing
mindyjourney wrote: Consider a bidet? Really reduces TP usage :)
pluto178 wrote: 👍
Mish wrote: Kind sharing 👌🏻❤️
unknown wrote: Brilliant!
ado wrote: Great to contribute to them and thanks for donating to the foodbank.
patjos wrote: great share :)
Rajni wrote: Nothing in this world happens without a reason. They made mistake but your kind heart did a very good job.Thanks
janfour wrote: so nice to share

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