Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Earth Kindness #12

--by patjos, posted Apr 29, 2023
Earth Kindness #12
Our Biodiversity Village is taking shape now that we've officially launched. Our first big task was to plant a hedgerow of 390 trees and shrubs along the banks of the Eden as it runs through our village. This will form part of a lovely wild harvest corridor for the local bat population whio come down from the nearby woodland to feed along the length of the river.
We had a lovely morning for our planting and a great turnout. Many donuts were consumed along the way!
Some volunteers came from as far away as 15 miles to help out even though they have their own villages to look after, so very kind.
Here you can see some of the children who helped out and earned their share of donuts and yum yums! We planted a good mix of Hazel, Elder, Blackthorn (sloe), Rowan, Crab Apple and Dog Rose, which means plenty of flowers for the pollinators, plenty of fruit for the birds and plenty of cover for the wee small mammakes to hide in. Three types of wonderful!

232 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Beautiful organization of kindness to Mother Earth 🌍 😊. Many thanks to you and all who helped!
DANCE wrote: This is so wonderful!!!!
janfour wrote: yay for the lucky bats! thank you for all you are doing.
Mish wrote: Simply wonderful!!!!! A great outpouring of helpers ❤️🌲
pluto178 wrote: Wow you are truly amazing fantastic x
unknown wrote: Highly impressive, Patjos! You - and your helpers - are truly amazing fantastic! 🌳❤️
Rajni wrote: It looks like, you and your helpers are bringing heaven on earth. You all are doing a wonderful job showing love for mother earth.
ali.gray56 wrote: Wonderful
kmbhai wrote: Very beautiful. Big salute..

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