Stories of Kindness from Around the World

When Kindness Opportunities Visits

--by Rajni, posted May 16, 2023
When Kindness Opportunities Visit Us, Be Grateful.

A week ago, I was returning home by rikshaw after buying some clothes and chappals for needy people. We address them as Daridra Narayan. A Daridra Narayana boy was selling pens for Rupees 10 came to me. I knew that I can get these pens for about four Rupees. However I bought two pens that I did not need but to gift them to someone else.

Daridra Narayana or Daridranarayana or Daridra Narayan is an axiom enunciated by the late-19th century Indian sage Swami Vivekananda, espousing that service to the poor is equivalent in importance and piety to service to God. Though the term was coined by Vivekananda, it was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi.-from internet

It is good that he is not begging. In the past, I have bought key chains 5 times or more, coloring books may be 5 or more times, maps, pens 3 times or more and masks from Daridra Narayana boys or girls to support them. I even pay them some extra money as if offering to God. I get smiles in return from them. They are doing their business confidently.

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for giving me these unusual opportunities to serve and guiding and helping me make them happen.

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Readers Comments

Jamie, pronounced Hi Me in Spanish wrote: Wow. Great communication. Video and photos are so.
Mish wrote: Bless 🙏
unknown wrote: Good stuff! 👍
cheeka wrote: Very well put. In india, it is common that on stop light junctions, the boys and girls will come to you by selling pens. It is good they are not begging but they are selling. It is important as you have highlighted to buy those generously and offer them more. Thanks for everything you do.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for helping the children, dear Rajnibhai :)
scully wrote: Thanks for the kindness you give

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