Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Knitting And Chatting

--by Helenconnell2, posted May 21, 2023
I'm currently knitting myself a summer cardigan in coral coloured yarn made from cotton and bamboo. however, in between I am still knitting smaller projects and I made this little Easter Bunny the other day.

Yesterday we went to the Methodist Church and I spoke to the project organiser at the Baptist Church across the road from the Methodist Church. I was knitting and she fetched her crochet which was gerat to talk while doing it. She told me about 'trauma teddies'. The patterns are provided by the Women's Institute and the teddies are all in one. Once made they are given to paramedics and other members of the emergency services to give to children if they are involved in a traumatic experience.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Trauma Teddies…awesome kindness 🙏
ado wrote: Great that you are knitting beautiful creations. "Trauma Teddies" seems like a great idea and a blessing to people in need.
mindyjourney wrote: Great idea to use your skills 🧸 !
Rajni wrote: Kindness needs emergency response the way you did. Thanks.
gardengal10 wrote: Brilliant!
janfour wrote: such a comfort - nice to give out
pluto178 wrote: Wow that is a wonderful idea x
scully wrote: Way to go
DANCE wrote: What a beautiful project to give those teddy bears when needed!

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