Stories of Kindness from Around the World

In My Heart ❤️

--by mindyjourney, posted May 21, 2023

Included a copy of the poem below - Spring of Things, in with the Bunny Bags and Easter cards that we gave this year.

The assisted living center’s director - Bobbi, was so very appreciative of the Bunny Bags, “The residents are going to love these!” she exclaimed. It was our first meeting and I don't think it will be our last, as I offered my future volunteer services and gave her my contact information.

Debbie - kind friend and apartment manager, made it a point to search me out and thank me personally as I was volunteering at the food pantry yesterday, for the shopping bag of Bunny Bags I left at her door to distribute. “You should have seen the folks' eyes light up and their smiles when I gave them one!”

You know, I do see them. Each and every “dear and dearest whom” in my heart ❤️.

Spring of Things

In the spring of things
my garden is abloom
with each and every
dear and dearest whom.

It matters not that winter
softens us still,
for beneath the snow
are tendrils of goodwill.

Greenly tender,
waiting to be reborn,
we are as lambs
forested and newly shorn.

Exalt the hallelujahs
sweet as marshmallow peeps,
choruses of hope
forever and ever for keeps.

Happy Easter!

mj poem and photo collage 2023

263 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Oh this just put such a big smile in my heart ❤️ Beautiful 🙏
pluto178 wrote: for beneath the snow
are tendrils of goodwill.

Greenly tender,
waiting to be reborn,
we are as lambs
forested and newly shorn.
pluto178 wrote: Oops pressed to soon……..but what lovely lines these are everything waiting to be reborn after winter and yet we doubt that same rebirth for ourselves you would wonder why…….lovely poem ……..I am trying to write one at the moment which ends on when the door closes gently behind us……..hoping for more to come soon but its not easy to write words that move people but you got that covered well done x
gardengal10 wrote: Sweet Mindy, just absolutely beautiful!
scully wrote: Lovely poem and collage!
dotmatrix wrote: Beautiful, Mindy. ♥.
Rajni wrote: Sister Mindy, Easter in your thoughts created a very nice poem. Your gift of Bunny Bags is like Easter bunny hopping from your heart to others'. Thanks
DANCE wrote: How lovely dear Mindy

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