Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Easter Surprise

--by scully, posted May 24, 2023
 Last week I got to work earlier than all coworkers and left each of them a Lindt chocolate bar surprise on theirdesks. I left one on my desk too, so I could stay anonymous.

My boss may be onto me, as she asked if I knew about the Easter elf. I told her I know no Easter elf, only Easter bunnies! The same morning I left those chocolates, a freezing rain storm cutthe power off, for many still out.

Think my coworkers will appreciate the surprise even more, once they get back to the office.
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Readers Comments

lewski711 wrote: Aren't unexpected kindness acts the best? Thank you.
mindyjourney wrote: Hopefully everyone’s power is back on by now! Thanks for leaving the sweet surprises for co-workers to find 😊.
Mish wrote: Yikes…some still have no power?! Your chocolate good medicine to greet them 👌🏻
pluto178 wrote: ❤️
patjos wrote: Happy Easter :)
Rajni wrote: Waiting can make chocolate taste sweeter.
DANCE wrote: :-)

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