Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Earth Kindness on Easter

--by patjos, posted May 25, 2023
Earth Kindness #17
What a lovely Easter Sunday we had last week. Our conservation group invited 20 families to come out to the local public park to plant 15 alders and 5 rowan trees along the riverside. The trees were planted by the children and dedicated to families and individuals from the village, completing the first of 2 planting sessions which will take place this year as part of our Biodiversity Village initiative.
It was a lovely sunny morning and the children were really happy to be taking part, something that will live on with them for years. The Easter Bunny visited too with chocolate eggs, which broadened the smiles!

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Readers Comments

Sonia wrote: This is the time to be slow,
Lie low to the wall
Until the bitter weather passes.
DANCE wrote: Super duper kind and fun
unknown wrote: 👍😊
Mish wrote: So cool!! 👌🏻
patjos wrote: it's really lovely. We're out again tomorrow to prune lots of dogwood and we've also made a list of fortnightly tasks to do up until August!
mindyjourney wrote: What a great way to celebrate Easter and spring!
gardengal10 wrote: Magnificent!
dotmatrix wrote: It must be wonderful to live in your 'hood. ♥.
scully wrote: Way to go
pluto178 wrote: Must be a great place to live x

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