Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Elevator pitch

--by rak92, posted Jun 3, 2023
Had to share this with ya:
Last weekend I was in this hotel elevator.

A mother and her two little daughters walk in...

I said “HELLO, good morning!”
Got a shy 'nod' and they looked away

(I do look a bit intimidating
first thing in the morning LOL)

One of the girls starts singing quietly

I said “you have a beautiful voice!..."
"...who needs 'elevator music' right?”

She smiled with a GLOW and started giggling

Then I said:
“you should be in a choir or something”

Then her Mum jumps in and says:
“Ha ha… she actually is!”

When they got off on their floor
All three of them smiled
and waved good-bye

I’m super glad I opened my mouth
(Said what was in my mind & heart)

Made EVERYONE's day brighter!

403 Reads

Readers Comments

Sabrina wrote: Groovy! You made their journey better!
Tulip wrote: Elevating kindness one octane at a time. Nice!
cabbage wrote: Thanks for speaking up!
DANCE wrote: :-)
Mish wrote: Way cool, Dude! πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
Rajni wrote: Your beautiful heart did a very good thing. Thanks
Helenconnell2 wrote: Well done!
AngieWilson wrote: I love this! During the pandemic so many people became withdrawn. I think it’s great that you connected with someone and brought smiles to their faces!
mindyjourney wrote: Well, hello my RAK friend! Good to see you are smiling kind still 😊.
pluto178 wrote: Breaking the ice and the strain is gone x

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