Readers Comments
Mish wrote: You hold the key to kindness, Rajni 🔑❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Seems KEYs are a theme lately 🔑 ! Thank you for your mindfulness :)
Rajni wrote: Our life is a mystery. We all are looking for the keys (answer, clue, solution, explanation)
KEYs are a theme of our whole life.
KEYs are a theme of our whole life.
drjoybug wrote: Do all the good you can, however you can, whenever you can, wherever you can, whatever you can.
DANCE wrote: I agree with the very dear and special Dalai Lama
pluto178 wrote: I felt very moved when King Charles said he is here to serve us what an amazing way to be………….we must all try to do the same x
coolschoolcanada wrote: Dalai Lama knows best!