Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Oh, it so makes me want to get my hands dirty too! Daisies are my fave flower :))). Well done by all!
pluto178 wrote: I love the sharing nature of gardeners x
Rajni wrote: When love for mother earth springs up by planting ox-eye daisies or else hands do their duty and make heart happy and hands get cleaner after preforming our duty.
Hands do not get dirty. They are in the process of making them cleaner.
Hands do not get dirty. They are in the process of making them cleaner.
Helenconnell2 wrote: I was at the hospice yesterday and Julie was saying she was thinking of planting some things. I've put her in touch with a company who are interested in donating seeds when you place an order with them.
kmbhai wrote: very proud of you..
unknown wrote: Beautiful pics and excellent work for Mother Nature.
DANCE wrote: Great job!
coolschoolcanada wrote: Expanding mother nature's garden is wonderful! Thank you for all the beautiful work for these plants.