Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kind Acts During The Day

--by drjoybug, posted Jul 23, 2023
Kindness filled days:

While driving, let lots of cars cut in front of me.
Allowed walkers to cross in front of me while stopped at a stop sign.
Complimented a lady on her dress. She proceeded to tell me she had it custom made because she loves retro 50 dresses.
Went to the YMCA to get back into yoga ..self kindness.
While there the receptionist complimented me on my bracelets and jokingly said she'd be happy get one. We laughed, then I gave her one. So much more that I cannot recall.

But I sure felt good to be able to do chair yoga again.
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Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: So pleased for you!
pluto178 wrote: You are building up those positive markers well done x
Mish wrote: Good stuff, Joy! Hugs 🤗
unknown wrote: Wonderful 🙂
mindyjourney wrote: yay for chair yoga 🧘‍♀️!
Rajni wrote: You can't pour from an empty cup. You are filled with kindness too.
ado wrote: Thank you for the many acts of kindness. You are doing great and I love it that you are back to doing yoga. Good luck.
DANCE wrote: Thank u for being kind
dotmatrix wrote: Thanks for sharing your lovely interactions. The bracelet one touched me especially. ♥

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