Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Trip To New Jersey

--by Rajni, posted Sep 2, 2023
Kindness trip to New Jersey

On May 22, I consulted with my family doctor in New York. Gave some quote cards. He gave me a ride to his house in New Jersey. I am grateful to him.

My divine sister picked me up and accommodated me in their house for four days and prepared lunch and dinner for me. I am grateful to her family. I gave books, Date-nuts sweets. Handkerchiefs, fancy paper bags made by Utthan, quote cards, and Mindy's Origami Peace Dove quote cards. Talked about positive thinking. Adjusted sewing machine to run smoothly. 

I met other friends and family. 

I returned to New York on May 26

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for giving me these opportunities of kindness and guiding and helping me in this regard

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Readers Comments

cheeka wrote: You are a gospel of kindness, positivity, love in action! Thanks
pluto178 wrote: Ki………..travels faster than light x
unknown wrote: Thank You for sharing this post 🙏
Mish wrote: You spread loving kindness everywhere you journey. Bless ❤️
kmbhai wrote: very greatful..
mindyjourney wrote: Fond memories our get togethers in NYC :))). Thank you for being a kindness ambassador wherever you journey, dear Rajnibhai.
dotmatrix wrote: NJ is where I was born and grew up, but southern Jersey which we consider almost another state. =) Thanks for sharing your kindness journey, Rajni. Very inspiring. ♥
petroskryf wrote: So many acts of kindness
DANCE wrote: Always enjoy reading about your kind journeys, thank u
Mnc_91 wrote: Thank you for being our inspiration in sharing kindness wherever you go 🤗

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