Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Gives Joy

--by Mnc_91, posted Sep 2, 2023
After almost two years of being away from my kindspring home, I decided to start a new kind of journey on June 1.

But kindness came one day earlier for me as one of our janitress at the office informed me that she will be transfered to another office starting tomorrow.

It felt good to give her some cash token and a note to tell her how grateful I am for her dedicated service to us.

Indeed, to give is to receive more in terms of joy and fulfillment. May this post be my personal reminder to be equally committed and faithful to living a life of kindness, one kind act at a time.

So help me God!
375 Reads

Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Fabulous x
Rajni wrote: You are in good hands again. We inspire each other with our kindness stories hare. We welcome you and wish you all the best.
pluto178 wrote: Lovelyy x
cheeka wrote: So good to read your post
kmbhai wrote: superb..
Helenconnell2 wrote: I'm sure you will continue to be kind with our support!
Mish wrote: Welcome back here…good to see you. 😊
mindyjourney wrote: So grateful to hear from you, my friend! Enjoy the new journey 🕊️
unknown wrote: Wonderful 🙂
dotmatrix wrote: Blessings on your new kindness journey. A great start! ♥

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