Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your donations ❤️, dear Rajnibhai. Each drop is essential.
unknown wrote: Thanks for donating blood Rajni!
cheeka wrote: Thanks for sharing the link and educating on the blood donation. And thanks for donating blood in honor of world blood donor day!
unknown wrote: Thank You 🙂
Mish wrote: Bless ❤️
pluto178 wrote: Not everyone can give blood but for those who can its a must also those or Irish origins may have Haemochromatosis a blood disorder and if they give blood they can protect themselves from becoming overloaded with iron………but there are also people with rare blood who give it so often they end up anaemic so in all things be measured but if you can do it then you should but not too often. X
Drewtopian_1 wrote: I save lives on a Click to Donate website. I think it's called Greater Good.
dotmatrix wrote: Every drop is needed. ♥
DANCE wrote: Thank you for doing this
DANCE wrote: Deep and rhythmic breathing helps.