Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Friendship And Giving Away Collection

--by drjoybug, posted Dec 5, 2023
Friends and kindness
Yesterday my friend came over and helped me sort thru the massive amount of stuff I've collected over 52 years of marriage. She helped me sort, decide what to keep, what to let go of, etc. I told her that anything I was getting rid of she could have if she wanted it...kindness given and received by both of us.
By the way one thing she took were my 50 bottles of medication doesn't allow for drinking. GOOD wines. We had a great time and got so much done and cleared out.

223 Reads

Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: Glad to hear you have such a good friend to share with!
pluto178 wrote: Space has been created in your home so something new can now come through. X
Mish wrote: Well done, Joy 👌🏻 Bless.
mindyjourney wrote: Not any easy thing to do, glad you had help and support.
gardengal10 wrote: That is a wonderful friend.

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