Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Giving of Books, Fruits And Being A Kind Friend

--by drjoybug, posted Dec 9, 2023
Kindness this week

Gave a box of recipe books to a friend who loves to cook.
Gave a dozen tomatoes from my backyard to another friend
Gave raspberries to yet another friend
Double tipped the delivery driver because she brought the heavy bags of groceries into my kitchen for me.
Chatted kindly with the banker as I opened a new account. Asked her how her antique store was doing.
Held door open for a mother with a double stroller
Discussed challenges in life with several friends.

129 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: focused on kindness, each day is an extra gift :).
Helenconnell2 wrote: Lovely acts of kindness!
Mish wrote: Proud of you, Joy!! Hugs 🤗
unknown wrote: Well done Joy!
SissyLee wrote: So many kind acts — beautiful!
fairykats wrote: ^^^^ holding hat in hand begging for tomatoes and raspberries, two of my favs!!
Rajni wrote: Your attitude of kindness is shining well.
pluto178 wrote: 👍
Andicas wrote: Lovely list to read
DANCE wrote: Thank you for everything you do for others

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