Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Friendly cafeteria

--by DANCE, posted Feb 3, 2024
The food was not good to be honest but the 2 young men working at the little cafe in a nearby village were really trying. They were so friendly and welcoming. I left a beautiful kind card and a thank you note, they deserved it. I do like supporting small local businesses and even though I might not choose to eat there again, I could still go sometimes to get a cup of tea after a walk in the area :-)

447 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thanks for supporting the staff 😊
pluto178 wrote: They would be better reducing their menu and making a few items properly or eventually they will cease to exist. X
Mish wrote: You are always so kind, Dance. Bless ❤️
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for supporting them.
janfour wrote: good service is worth finding something to purchase - i am liking their chip display - so many large companies lack friendliness
scully wrote: Thanks for doing this dance, love to support local businesses too..they work so hard
Rajni wrote: Supporting small local businesses is a very good kindness. It not only support them but give them opportunities to improve and grow as well.

Food taste is individual's choice.

Pointing out the thing you did not like can be a great service to the restaurant, It is not mistake finding but giving an opportunity to improve.
kmbhai wrote: Thanks..

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