Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Music Teachers Inspires Future Teachers

--by Frozone, posted Mar 30, 2024
I have had the pleasure of observing a music teacher throughout the course of this school year, and she is remarkable. Between her instruction and student engagement, this teacher is amazing. One day, when I was visiting class, I asked a student if he enjoyed the program. He stated that he loved it so much that he had decided to pursue a career as a band teacher. This warmed my heart, and validated all the amazing instruction I had witnessed. I will follow up with the teacher today to share this story and commend her on her instruction and influence. We are lucky to have such positive and influential educators.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: To inspire and appreciate are wonderful incentives!
DANCE wrote: SO important to have educators like that indeed, they inspire
pluto178 wrote: Fabulous she will be delighted to get the feedback x
dotmatrix wrote: Terrific share, thank you Frozone. ♥
Mish wrote: Very excellent for you to let her know 👌🏻
janfour wrote: music and wonderful teachers!!!! YAY
cabbage wrote: That is awesome! Music teachers are the BEST!

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