Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Support The School Fees Of Low Income Families

--by cheeka, posted Jun 9, 2024
My wife is an amazing supporter of education for girls and people in low income families. She wanted to sponsor the primary school fees for a girl who happens to be the daughter of household staff. She got my younger daughter to sponsor a big portion of the school fees and my younger daughter gladly agreed. I have no role in this kindness except having the pleasure of hearing it and sharing here. My wife also influenced a neighbor to contribute and they gladly agreed. Next month we plan to support the school fees of a child of our community gardener.
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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Wonderful!
Mish wrote: So kind to help in this way. Bless all 🙏
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for promoting education! Bless you and your family 🕊️
Rajni wrote: You can't clap with one hand. When husband and wife work in unison, amazing things happen. Supporting the education of girls is most needed in today;s time. May God continue to bless the supporters andthe recipients as well.
DANCE wrote: What a beautiful family you are, support for education is so important! Thank you!!!
pluto178 wrote: Lovely x

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