Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Paying Forward Flowers

--by AtoJ, posted Jul 15, 2010

I posted a story earlier about a guy who handed out some flowers to us at the bus depot. 

Some days after that, a person at my church left a gift card for a local grocery store for me.  I don't know who left it for me. 

I ended up buying a bunch of flowers with my groceries.  I decided I would give them out.  I had troube getting the guts giving them away at the bus depot.  So, I ended up giving away three or four as I walked home from the bus depot. 

I saw an old lady looking in a window of a local restaurant and asked her if she wanted a flower.  She asked me if I was selling them.  I ask again if she wanted a flower, gave her one and walked away. 

I hope she remembers it a little. 

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Readers Comments

jenwuzhere wrote: Aww that's so sweet! And glad to hear you were brave enough to give the flowers away, it sounds so simple but it's hard to do because one can be afraid of being judged by viewers.
Bluebell wrote: I am sure that she will remember more that a little thank you for your act of kindness. I understand you are a shy person which make your act of kindness even bigger and more beautiful. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
harriet wrote: flowers are a beautiful give to people~

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