Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Best Gifts Of All

--by starbrite, posted Jul 15, 2010

Last weekend I was out walking with my dog. She loves poking around investigating everything and loves seeing other folks we meet. So it becomes more a social walk rather than an exercise.

This day we ran into our neighbor who was preparing to sell her home. She was busy getting ready for her 'open house' that afternoon.  After talking a little bit we went our separate ways. I could tell it was a stressful day for her.

After I got home I quickly cut some of the fabulous lavender in my garden.  Gosh, it smelled good and the purple flowers were so pretty.  I wrapped some tissue paper around the bunch and brought it to my neighbor for her open house. I loved her expression when she saw me there with the bouquet of lavender! It completely made my day. It  made her stop and take a big deep breath and maybe reduced her stress for a second.

The next day I had a note in my mailbox from my neighbor thanking me for my thoughfulness. She said everybody commented on how wonderful her house smelled.  She said the act of kindness I showed helped to take away some of the stress she was feeling. Her note was like a big hug to me.  

Never forget that it's the gift from the heart that is the most appreciated. I think sometimes we hold back from doing the simple acts of kindness because we think others may think they are silly or we may think they aren't anything but in actually they probably the best gift of all.  Blessings to all.


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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: beautiful starbrite :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is wonderful starbrite! Bless you for taking the time to make her day a little nicer! :)
wayfarer wrote: Starbrite! Such a beautiful story from such a beautiful heart!
FairyBubbles wrote: That was such a lovely thing to do.
DEBBIE wrote: How wonderful and thoughtfull of you! You let your light shine!
iferlamb wrote: That is wonderful! It is interesting how some people try to discourage you from giving gifts from the heart because it will look like you're trying to hard or have alterior motives. It is nothing of the sort. Love gifts are the best! I wish everyone knew this.

tcsgirl wrote: Beautiful act of kindness. Your thoughtfulness was a sweet fragrance for the soul.
sonrisa wrote: What a beautiful story -- thanks so much for sharing and for reminding us of the small acts of kindness that make the biggest difference to the people around us :)
cabbage wrote: Yay! What a lovely gesture. And so easy to do! It's the little things at the right time that matter so much. Bravo! :-)
Hugs to you. ()
JeanieMarie wrote: Thank you for reminding me that it's not what others think, about giving a gift from the heart, it's the heart of the recipient that counts. And it sure counted with your lovely flowers!

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