Stories by starbrite (4 matches)

Helping Others Is The Best Medicine

Yes, helping others is wonderful. Feeling so good helping out. You know what I mean..It brightens your day, lifts your heart and that wonderful from the heart smile! Fabulous! And then some. In March we had to take Dad's license away. Our proud, independent Dad was going to have to ask for help and to depend on others!  Yikes! How does one do that? He had to ask/accept and we did too. Big changes. Now I celebrate the start each day with 'breakfast with Dad".  We share special time. We help lift each other. I leave with a tired body but a fabulous smile. I have to admit there have been days when I had to push myself but was always happy I did.  Now for the unexpected WOW! I've been coping with chronic but stable health issues for 10+ yrs. ..being told to pace myself, don't get stressed, take naps, blah ,blah.  Well, guess what?  My blood work is now the best in 2 yrs! Wow! All I could ... Read Full Story >>

6492 Reads

The Best Gifts Of All

Last weekend I was out walking with my dog. She loves poking around investigating everything and loves seeing other folks we meet. So it becomes more a social walk rather than an exercise. This day we ran into our neighbor who was preparing to sell her home. She was busy getting ready for her 'open house' that afternoon.  After talking a little bit we went our separate ways. I could tell it was a stressful day for her. After I got home I quickly cut some of the fabulous lavender in my garden.  Gosh, it smelled good and the purple flowers were so pretty.  I wrapped some tissue paper around the bunch and brought it to my neighbor for her open house. I loved her expression when she saw me there with the bouquet of lavender! It completely made my day. It  made her stop and take a big deep breath and maybe reduced her stress for a second. The next ... Read Full Story >>

5741 Reads

A Child, Just Naturally, Puts Things Right

   I had my grandson for the day and I had to run to the store to pick up some things. I brought him along with me. He didn't complain but I knew he couldn't wait to get home to play.    At the store he asked if he could go by himself  and pick out something to drink. I said yes since I would be able to see him from where I was. I watched him until it was my turn in line.  Then somewhere in the background I heard a loud noise, looked toward my grandson saw that he was ok and finished up my business.     As I went back over to my grandson I found him busy on the floor putting back together a battery display that was tipped over. The batteries  were everywhere. He told me: "I'll fix it Grandma so nobody will trip."    How proud I was of ... Read Full Story >>

2248 Reads

My Bathroom Is Now Sparkling And I Smiled All Day!

It was a beautiful day outside and I was 'stuck' at home.  I was eager to go out and enjoy the day's beauty, however, I had some things to do before I could be free. Darn!

The dreaded bathroom! Yes, it was time to clean it up! "Oh, how dreadful" I thought. With lead in my feet I barely got out the cleaning equipment.  I was thinking there are at least 1,000 other things I'd rather be doing - like help others! Then, as I thought about that I felt the corners of my mouth started to turn up... and slowly there was a smile.

I started 'drawing' smiley, happy faces all over the bathroom! I found myself getting giddy and playful. As I grabbed the cleaning foam, the giggles started, then the laughs. How silly! How fun! I like this!  Weeeee! I must be 3 years old again! ;-)

My bathroom is now sparkling and I smiled all day! Smiles ARE contagious and they can turn up in the most unusual places.


1705 Reads

'starbrite' Also Commented on These Stories

Rescue in the frozen section

The Queen Of Tarts

A Lesson In Kindness From My Mom

Minty Smiles

Thank You For Doing The Most Important Job

Paying-It-Forward In "The Chain Of Life"

Kneeling With a Bouquet of Flowers

A Pocketful of Hope

Service With A Smile at the Sprint Store

An Unexpected Thank You from 3 Years Ago

Bringing Smiles on a Rainy Day

A Precious Piece of Family History

A Professor's Lesson 30 Years Ago

Five More Minutes

Hiker Joe and The Circle Of Life