Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Two Little Hearts - Both For Sharing

--by walkingraven, posted Nov 2, 2010

I found a website that sells tiny pewter hearts which are not too expensive, so, I bought a batch and I keep a couple in my pocket most of the time.

Whenever I find the opportunity, when I am out in stores, at a yard sale or at work or anywhere really, I will ask the person I am speaking with to give me their hand. I put two of those little hearts in the palm of their hand saying, "Keep one and pass the other one on."

The responses I get are amazing! If I had won the Lottery there would not be bigger smiles or more excitement.  Everyone immediately wants to tell me who is getting the other heart; someone with cancer, their child who was grumpy this morning, and so on.  

A little sharing really makes people happy!

P.S.  In my other pocket I carry dog biscuits so even their canine friends can be happy!

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Well bless YOUR heart! What a wonderful thing to do!
Jolie wrote: I love that idea--What is a pewter heart? Regardles, it sounds like a really fun idea!! I like that you give them two, to contintue the kindess chain.
Inal wrote: This is beautiful! I'd love to have something like this...will search online for them! You've given me a great idea!
Rita wrote: You probably forgot but i was wondering why you didn't give us the link to where we could buy the pewter hearts<3's like you did. If you would put in the link for us - i bet every1 would be happy & gratefull. Thank you. Inal even mentioned she will search online 4 them. You have a fantastic idea. Good for you!
walkingraven wrote: Sorry not to answer before. There are a number of places that sell little hearts. Here is the site where i found mine.

Http://www. Beachdecor. Net/beach_decors/pocket-tokens-hearts-crosses-c-238_223. Html
Evelyn wrote: Yes, may i know where to buy the pewter heart since it is not so expensive as u had mentioned above. Thank you very much. And you make the reader (i mean me, myself) happy when i saw what u r doing. Keep it on!
faeanne wrote: That is such a sweet way to bring a smile. Love it!
withany wrote: That's a very creative idea! Thanks for sharing it.
brent wrote: Love love love the idea! Awesome!
Drew wrote: Can you give me the e-mail address of where you get the hearts, thank youn drew x

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