Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness, Happiness and Health

--by flowerpower, posted Oct 19, 2010

Ever since I finished the 29-Day Giving Challenge, I have felt a lot happier and have a much more optimistic outlook on life.  I think the secret to happiness is always counting your "thank yous," giving, and smiling.  I've done some research lately on the health benefits of kindness, and some say that the kinder you are, the happier you will be.  Is this the secret to happiness?

This is new to me, but some of you may know that the actual act of giving results in a small or big rush of what's called "endorphins," aka a "helpers high".  Kindness in general has both physical and mental benefits. For example, in my case prior to starting the challenge, I felt tired, unenthusiastic, and lacking vitality. However, after just a couple days, along with some gifts, my energy started to increase, I felt more alive so to speak, and I was always looking forward to the next day at the end of the day.

I know that it's not the gift that matters – it's the thought behind it that matters.  I think that's what kindness is.  Since I finished the challenge four days ago, I think I may begin again in September.  In the meantime, I'm looking for more kindness challenges to do.  Here are some of my favorite sites to go to for inspiration.  I hope you enjoy them, my little flowers :)  Bon appetite! :

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Have a great and inspiring day :D

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Readers Comments

FreeSpirit11 wrote: Hey Flowerpower- it's me- Ariana! ;D From school~ I made an account! lol =) I even made a story! ^-^ I hope you come to see it! Thanks~ =D Great story!
Glowworm wrote: Hi, flowerpower! You picqued my interest. I joined the 29-day giving challenge yesterday, and am looking forward to meeting other great people like you (i already have--on that site and here! )

And i've started brainstorming for ideas of what to give--along with smile cards :-)

I love people coming together to be kind!
Mari-Lyn Harris wrote: Thanks for the giving challenge. I am going to swipe this idea. Also, if you are looking for more ideas come by to http://heartjam. Com formely love4. Wordpress. Com

Or join my http://www. Bloggersunite. Org/event/world-kindness-day

Thanks for all the work you do.
BASANTI wrote: I am now in germany ,,i would like to know people and have friends ,i am an indian ,am looking forward to have many friends
iferlamb wrote: How wonderful! I believe you're right. This is a terrific post. Thank you so much for sharing it!

Bluebell wrote: I am very haapy for you I'm a big fan of the 29gifts. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles
unknown wrote: fp :) Look at you ... doing a lot of digging at different sites and learning from your own life experience ... You are on the right track dear. Yes, being kind, esp. unconditionally kind is the best key to happiness ... also seeking strength from within and from our family and friends for instance can give us the needed strength to be unconditional and overall happy. Yes, I do currently a 30 day of gratitude ... its so nice to try this :) love, deepula :)

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