Stories by flowerpower (11 matches)

A Heart Touched By A Musical Soul

I was feeling a little blue because my mother had been laid off from her job and she had lots of bills to pay. It left me wondering what was going to happen to us now. But it reassured me some when my mother told me she was relieved to be leaving since her boss wasn't the nicest person to be around. I got off the college shuttle bus and started walking. That's when I heard piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people and the traffic. I walked a little slower so I could find out to where it was coming from. Through the crowd I saw a young lady sitting at a piano with a carriage next to her.   She was singing songs about love, keeping on trying, and not underestimating the power within yourself. The way she was singing comforted me a bit. I stood there ... Read Full Story >>

30.0K Reads

A Little Sister's Love for Her Brother

It was several years ago when my brother was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis). The message was hard to grasp for my parents as well as myself.   At the time , he could barely walk or stand -- he either used a cane or was in his bed.  He didn't want to do anything for himself: he didn't want to get out of bed and he ate all the wrong foods for his body (junkfood). He was basically  giving up and letting go.  It was hard to understand why he is doing this. Our parents wake up every day to go to work and help my brother who I think, thinks nothing of their very kind and very strenuous efforts to help him.  You may have heard of the term, "God helps those who help themselves," but he wasn't helping himself. I then decided to take matters into my own hands. I walked to his apartment and told him ... Read Full Story >>

9876 Reads

A Pay It Forward Revolution at School

As a part of my Pay it Foward project revolution, I'm starting the 29 day giving challenge...again!  I've done this in the summer, but this time is different because I'm also doing it with some friends from school and some friends here at KindSpring ;) Today, as my first gift, I believe I have given the gift of encouragement and cheer. Looking back , when I had first done this challenge, normally I would think, " What kind of gift is that?" Looking back at that experience now, I realize that these simple gestures mean a lot more then one thinks they do :) Today, some of my friends were a bit gloomy, perhaps because of the weather, some because their schedules got changed (it's a new term for us now at school).  There was this one frind from school that had recently gone through a break-up that I didnt know of, ... Read Full Story >>

6342 Reads

Pay-It-Forward New Year Resolution

2010 is finally over, so why not make the resolution to pay-it-foward? Some one very near and dear to me is very inspired after watching the movie 'Pay-it-Foward', and we both want to make it a goal to spread the seeds of loving kindness in 2011. It would be most appretiated if you join us, and follow the ripples :) If you're reading this let this be your new years resolution! To do one kind act to three people, and have those three people do one kind act to another three people...and have it have a chain reaction. If we can do this in enough sequences we can cover the city. 3x3=9x3=27x3=81 (That's only three sequences). 14 sequences equals approx 14,348,907 people...that's a little more than Manhattan! So it's simple, do one kind thing to three people, and lets make a change! :) Kindness will always endure and we both share the same morals of ... Read Full Story >>

5268 Reads

Kindness, Happiness and Health

Ever since I finished the 29-Day Giving Challenge, I have felt a lot happier and have a much more optimistic outlook on life.  I think the secret to happiness is always counting your "thank yous," giving, and smiling.  I've done some research lately on the health benefits of kindness, and some say that the kinder you are, the happier you will be.  Is this the secret to happiness? This is new to me, but some of you may know that the actual act of giving results in a small or big rush of what's called "endorphins," aka a "helpers high".  Kindness in general has both physical and mental benefits. For example, in my case prior to starting the challenge, I felt tired, unenthusiastic, and lacking vitality. However, after just a couple days, along with some gifts, my energy started to increase, I felt more alive so to speak, and I was ... Read Full Story >>

4923 Reads

Extra Care For A Teacher Going Through A Difficult Time

On Monday, my fiancee and I heard that our astronomy teacher's mother had died.  We were surprised that he was still teaching in school. My fiancee was telling me that as the teacher was teaching, he had felt such empathy for the man, because as he was lecturing, you can sense he was trying to be strong, in the midist of teaching. We came up with an idea. The teacher is such a passionate and warm hearted person, and we figured that, he could use a good dose of  love and cheer. That night after school, we meditated for our teacher as well as his beloved mother. We like to meditate using Metta and Tonglen, both very loving spiritual meditation practices ;) When we went back to school (yesterday), we gave him cheer up cards which we had take time to decorate with flowers, hearts and peace signs. As we had handed the cards to him, we both could see the ... Read Full Story >>

2468 Reads

Flowers for Those Who Want to See Them

First, thank you for taking the time to read my posts – it's really comforting to know that there are warm-hearted, kind, and encouraging people on this site. I can always seek comfort here and have fun sharing my experiences with random acts of kindness and giving. Today, I finished making a drawing for my friend Valerie. She recently broke up with someone, and I thought she could use a bit of cheer, so I drew a picture of flowers, like the ones that blossom during the spring! I must tell you all, I have a really soft spot for bright, pretty, and cute things (I often use the term kawaii for cute). So I took some time with the detail, with the petals and such, using violets, raspberry, and pink colors! They are all so uplifting to me. I also put in a few of my own encouraging quotes, which ... Read Full Story >>

2199 Reads

Waking Up With The Kindness Urge

This morning I took the liberty of making my mom breakfast while she was getting ready for work. It was surprising to me that I was able to drag myself out of bed because I was so sleep deprived and given that I didn’t have school today, I didn’t even have to get up early. I guess the fact that I didn’t have school today was all the more reason to help out. So I groggily got downstairs and started to make fresh coffee, along with an onion and sausage omelette sandwich. In the process of cooking, I realized that once I actually got out of bed, it wasn’t so bad after all. When mum came down, she was so happy that I took the initiative to do that for her. It made me feel nice, when she said that.   After she left for work, I felt more motivated, so I wrote an ... Read Full Story >>

2158 Reads

Helping My Brother Not To Stumble

I told my brother, who has been struggling with illness that I would support him as long as he helps himself, and ever since, things have been looking up for the better. I must have awoken something in him I guess because since that day, he has really been taking care of himself: eating right, maintaining personal hygiene and having a positive outlook for himself. (I think a positive outlook on life helps to when working through all obstacles.) While my parents go to work, I stay and take care of my brother.  I’m already used to it now since my parents and I have been taking care of him for 5 years since he was diagnosed. I want to help him as much as I can so that our parents can take it easy. They rely on me to help even though I’m the little sister (I feel so honoured). This ... Read Full Story >>

2022 Reads

The Gift of Service for My School Newspaper

Everytime I give, I seem to forget about my own problems, and happen to find happiness in giving too. While I was at school, I was contemplating on what I was going to give as part of my daily giving challenge, seeing that I didn't have anything planned. I was roaming through the hallway when I was done for the day, but I don't leave until my yellow bus comes, so until then, I stay in school, either staying in the library or volunteering. I happened to stroll into the cafeteria when I saw one of the deans in the Student Organization ("SO") Office behind the cafeteria, who happens to be a nice friend of mine outside of teaching ;)  Students come to the SO to work on school activities, like arranging the prom, photography, yearbook, etc -- all that fun stuff!  She knew that I  was free for the rest of ... Read Full Story >>

1785 Reads

Sometimes I Need A Little Help To Help

I have been doing the 29 days giving challenge and I hope to post about it from time to time.  Today I have a question too.

On Day 4 (two days ago), I gave the gift of friendship.  One of my friends from school who I've known since middle school told me that she was being bullied, so I plan on helping her starting Monday to make the best of the delicate situation.

Yesterday, Day 5, was mostly a working day for me.  Me mummy was feeling a bit tired, and as sluggish as I was this afternoon, I pitched in with the house chores.  I made French Toast in the morning, helped fold laundry, and then spent some time simply chatting with her.

Now for my question - for the fellow members out there, what inspires you to be kind?  To give?  I must have lost my motivation these past two days, so maybe you can help me.  It would be nice to always have the motivation to give, and, as I mentioned in my first post, I strive to be like you all -- the wonderful, altruistic people who are so warm.  I hope to continue to meet and be influenced by kind, positive people, and what better place to start then here? 

1723 Reads

'flowerpower' Also Commented on These Stories

Top Ten Kindness Stories of 2012, Story #10 - 8 Things To Do Every Day That Will Make You Happier

A Pay It Forward Revolution at School

The Power Of Being Kind

The Power Of Being Kind

The Man I Will Never Forget

Remembering Why It's Worth Helping

Miles of Smiles

A Kind Act in Time Saves Three

My Experiment with Free Hug Friday

Helping An Old Man To Find Joy Again

Helping Others Is The Best Medicine

A Circle of Kindness Started by a 10 Year Old Girl

Hot Chocolate And Two Equals

Turning Kindness Into A Habit

The Karma of Kindness

Two Thanksgiving Smile Cards

You Reap What You Sow

A Loaf of Bread

How Much Are You Short?

An Angel and a Pepsi