Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Serving with Love

--by livinlife, posted Dec 14, 2010

I am a person disabled by a variety of chronic conditions but I am seldom actually sick.  On a recent day though, I was really sick and stayed in bed, moaning and throwing up!

I live with my dear husband (who was on a day trip with motorcycle buddies,) a 30 week pregnant daughter (who is both high risk and pre-term) and our sweet dogBoo who is nearly two years old and very active. 

During this day, nothing unusual happened. I wasn't showered with flowers or feted on a pillow or anything of that sort but the love that was bestowed on me that was a gift of help. 

Between my daughter and I we were able to see her Dad off on his trip, unaware of how sick I was. Then my daughter took care of the house, me, Boo, the errands and the meals. You name it she did it. 

She smiled, she didn't complain, she didn't speak of her discomfort, she cleaned, she cooked, she did all the "me" stuff and without so much as a sigh. She was a better "me" than me. 

She was an inspiration of acting in love and through love.

It's not usually her nature to serve, and yet she taught me that true loving service is wholehearted. We don't serve because of anything, we serve in love, and the example that she showed me of this was exemplary. 

So, I learned that service is both useful and strengthening but it is also done in love and without thought of reward or accolade. 

I wanted to acknowledge my daughter and her complete service.  Love is acting, not talking.  Service is not self-seeking.  She was, and is, that! 

1773 Reads

Readers Comments

unknown wrote: You have groomed a beautiful mother in your daughter and its so nice when you share it ... I am very happy for ya :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great, thanks for sharing! Bless you for the kindness you have instilled in her! :)
iferlamb wrote: How very sweet! I hope you feel better.

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