Stories by livinlife (2 matches)

Serving with Love

I am a person disabled by a variety of chronic conditions but I am seldom actually sick.  On a recent day though, I was really sick and stayed in bed, moaning and throwing up! I live with my dear husband (who was on a day trip with motorcycle buddies,) a 30 week pregnant daughter (who is both high risk and pre-term) and our sweet dogBoo who is nearly two years old and very active.  During this day, nothing unusual happened. I wasn't showered with flowers or feted on a pillow or anything of that sort but the love that was bestowed on me that was a gift of help.  Between my daughter and I we were able to see her Dad off on his trip, unaware of how sick I was. Then my daughter took care of the house, me, Boo, the errands and the meals. You name it she did it.  She smiled, she didn't ... Read Full Story >>

1771 Reads

The Opened Cloak

Today I was out in the world. Something I don't do often enough. And I gathered, as I too often do, my happiness about me like a protective cloak.  

Then I remembered that I had just joined this group, so I opened up a bit.  
I smiled at a total stranger who openly grinned back at me. I opened up a bit more and smiled at a baby and picked up a dropped toy for the mama. They both laughed with me.  
And again I opened and helped a man figure out how those ride-on carts work and he patted my arm and said, "Bless you!"  
I'm not saying all this to tell you anything about me, but to tell you that when we're open to loving others we become filled to overflowing with love ourselves.  
My defensive cloak is wide open and I'm smiling from ear to ear at the screen as I type this.


1429 Reads

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