Stories of Kindness from Around the World

30 For 30: A Birthday Wish

--by HyWy, posted Nov 6, 2010

Check out the video below, from a HelpOthers member ...

If you're so moved to support Hywy's 30th b'day by doing a kind act in your community, please leave a comment below about your intention, and it will be sent directly to her -- and wil make her day/year. :)

Much love to all of you who make this world a better place, one kind act at a time!

7276 Reads

Readers Comments

Test wrote: You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Rick Brooks wrote: I love your video, the idea and the way you look when you share the idea. Have been remembering it all since it saw it the first time. You'll see how it spreads.
Mims wrote: Happy birthday
What an inspiration you are!

I fetched my friends daughter from brownies, gave her supper and cared for her, till late as her mum was working late. In life, it is all about giving!
jellybean wrote: Yola
My name is jellybean
What is your name?

This story is cool i guess. . . . . I didn't read it!
Alanna wrote: Wohoo! This is awesome!
julieoolums wrote: My husband and i gave a small quotation calendar to a technition who was checking my laptop for problems. There was no cost for his service but we still wanted to say thanks for his help with a little gift. He said we made his day and that he would treasure it. Hope u reached more than your 30 giving deeds. Happy birthday and keep it up!
Karin wrote: What a beautiful idea! I hope you receive your kindness back 30 fold! My first thought is to do one act of kindness for 30 days in honor of your wish. Enjoy your birthday!
Inge Lettini wrote: My granddaughter just had her 5th brithday party and she invited all 22 classmates. She asked for no presents but wanted everyone to bring gloves, mittens, knitted hats and neck wraps for the homeless which everyone did. We had over a hundred pairs of hats and gloves plus 30 neck wraps for all ages. Young my granddaughter is but she has always been very giving.
Nisha wrote: How fun. I play the talk to strangers on the london tube. Its so much fun to have a conversation with someone and see how they are.

Katy wrote: Happy birthday to you and anyone else who has a birthday today. I took my friend out for a really nice dinner tonite and i treated. It was very nice!

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